Lane & Glassman | 1 (844) 288-6529
[email protected] | Monday - Friday 9:00am - 6:00pm
Lane & Glassman | 1 (844) 288-6529
[email protected] | Monday - Friday 9:00am - 6:00pm

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1 (844) 288-6529


Battery and Consent Cases
Florida Oral surgery trainee removes teeth not covered by consent form – $20,000 Settlement. The plaintiff; a twenty-nine year old Internal Revenue Service secretary went to a dentist for an examination and was told she needed her four wisdom teeth removed and a root canal and crown on a lower molar tooth. The plaintiff went...
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Florida man “practices” dentistry, cleans teeth, makes caps, puts on braces, does root-canal but forgot to go to dental school! Patient sues for battery and fraud – $12,000 jury verdict. The plaintiff, a middle-aged homemaker, was driving to work and listening to her Cuban radio station when she heard the news: the State of Florida...
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