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Improperly Contoured Crowns & Bridges – $21,000.00

Improperly contoured crowns and bridges and negligence in performance of root canal by two defendant dentists results in $21,000 Florida settlement.

The plaintiff was a forty-five year old retailer who had eight teeth prepared in four quadrants as abutments for four bridges after having periodontal treatment. During the crown and bridge phase of treatment, the plaintiff visited the periodontist for maintenance examinations and was told by the periodontist that the crowns were improperly contoured and had open margins. The periodontist spoke to the defendant dentist and sent several notes describing the deficiencies he found, each time requesting that the crowns be remade. A second defendant dentist then performed a root canal on one of the prepared teeth by removing the bridge which was only temporarily cemented in place. At one of the visits, after an instrument broke off in the canal but before completing of the root canal and recovery of the instrument, a dental assistant inadvertently cemented the bridge back with permanent cement. The plaintiff required replacement of the bridges, three of which could easily be removed since they were only temporarily cemented. He also required the root canal to be completed properly and replacement of the bridge over that tooth which had been cut off. The plaintiff’s subsequent dental treatment is being performed while the plaintiff is a guest of the State of Florida’s penal system. The case was settled just prior to the trial which the plaintiff could never have attended. The attorneys for the defense never knew that the plaintiff had “moved”.

The case was settled prior to trial for $21,000. Kenneth P. Liroff, D.D.S., J.D., of THE DENTALAW GROUP, Ft. Lauderdale, FL represented the plaintiff. C. Daniel Petrie, Esq., and Jon Derrevere, Esq., Ft. Lauderdale, FL for the defendants.

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